95% of grocery store products are junk or poison…let’s talk “E-Numbers” and recent Illinois legislation to ban certain additives.

When I go shopping for food, which is multiple times a week, I always bypass most of the store. I'm looking for organically grown, non-GMO, healthy food from reputable companies. This eliminates 80-90% of everything in the store. The US food supply has grown into a mountain of food additives, fillers, stabilizers, preservatives, and fake … Continue reading 95% of grocery store products are junk or poison…let’s talk “E-Numbers” and recent Illinois legislation to ban certain additives.


Greetings! I am just a guy who loves to eat good food. I was born and raised in Central Illinois. The name food fury came from two ideas: Me "cooking up a storm" and being pissed about the nefarious side of the food industry. I am the family "chef" and happily do 90% of the … Continue reading ABOUT ME